Tuesday 29 November 2016

A Letter to my Best Friend

If someone were to ask me today what I have achieved today I wouldn't have to think very hard. Sometimes life isn't about the big achievements, It's about the small ones along the way. Honestly, meeting you was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I spend every day of my life wondering if I'm good enough if I have done anything worthwhile and my answer is yes. A wiser person than me once taught me that life is about the small things.

We all have goals. Travel the world, go to university, get married and have children and while they are all great and I would love to do all of them, but no day was felt more complete than when you became my best friend. I know you struggle with yourself inside, and I know you hurt, and believe me, hun if I could take it away, I would in a heartbeat. But life is all about those struggles that build you up as a person. And believe me when I say you're one of the most beautiful, honest to god, perfect people that God ever created. I've seen you fall apart, I've seen you cry and I could do fuck all about it but do you know what, you came through the other side because you're strong. So incredibly strong and I feel so lucky that I have someone like you in my life.

There's a lot of talk of soulmates. And the first thing people think of is romantic love, but when I think of soulmates, I think of you, my best friend, my other half. The one person that makes it worth getting up in the morning. Don't ever doubt yourself. Not ever. and never let other people do that either. Do what you want because you're capable of so much. You've got galaxies, entire worlds shining behind your eyes and you could be anything you want to be.

They say if a friendship lasts more than seven years it will last a lifetime but I know from day one that we were meant to be in each others lives. Don't you ever change for anyone.

Love, Miranda

Crunchy snow under foot.

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